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뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

전체 글 414

건축 활동 중 의료 시설 증가, 특히 병원과 요양원 높아져

건축 활동 중 의료 시설 증가, 특히 병원과 요양원 높아져 Upward Trend in Healthcare Construction Amidst Overall Downturn in Building Activities Despite a downturn in domestic construction activities until the last quarter of September compared to the previous quarter, the construction of medical facilities has witnessed a significant upswing compared to a year ago. According to data released on December 5th (Tuesday) b..

2년 전 $1.8M 달러 거부한 주택 소유주, $1.4M에 집 매각해

2년 전 $1.8M 달러 거부한 주택 소유주, $1.4M에 집 매각해 Homeowner sells house for $1.4m two years after rejecting $1.8m offer Land on Rangitoto Road in Papatoetoe Fetches $200,000 Above Market Price in Fierce Bidding War A spirited competition among real estate developers has unfolded in a section of Rangitoto Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland. A parcel of land in this location has been sold at a price a striking $200,..

주택임대인, 연립 협정에 따라 조기 세금 환급 전망

주택임대인, 연립 협정에 따라 조기 세금 환급 전망 Landlords set for early tax refunds under coalition agreement Overhaul of Tax Benefits Sparks Expectations for Tax Refunds Among Landlords and New Regulations in the Rental Market The introduction of a revamp in tax benefits opens up the possibility for landlords to receive refunds on a portion of already paid taxes by the end of this year. As a result, landlords are..

새로운 부동산 정책에 걱정되는 세입자들, 부동산 시장 변화 예고

새로운 부동산 정책에 걱정되는 세입자들, 부동산 시장 변화 예고 New Concerns for Tenants in the Face of New Housing Policies, Signs of Changes in the Real Estate Market In the New Zealand real estate market, concerns are mounting among tenants as experts in the field argue that the new government's real estate policies may further worsen conditions for landlords and investors. According to TVNZ reports, the National Party'..

새 정부 부동산 정책, 주택 소유주와 세입자 간 갈등 예상

새 정부 부동산 정책, 주택 소유주와 세입자 간 갈등 예상 New Government's housing policies Sparks Anticipation of Conflict Between Homeowners and Tenants Real estate experts are forecasting that the new government's housing policies will have a positive impact on homeowners and investors, but concerns are rising among tenants about increased burdens. While the opposition's push to relax regulations for foreign homebuye..

뉴질랜드 최초 한인 장관 멜리사 리 취임

뉴질랜드 최초 한인 장관 멜리사 리 취임 New Zealand's First Korean Minister, Melissa Lee, Takes Office According to reports from New Zealand media outlet RNZ on the 27th, Melissa Lee, of Korean descent, was elected as the Minister of Economic Development, Ethnic Communities, and Media and Communications in the new government inauguration. This announcement took place at the new government inauguration held at th..

크리스토퍼 럭슨, 뉴질랜드 제42대 총리로 취임

크리스토퍼 럭슨, 뉴질랜드 제42대 총리로 취임 Christopher Luxon Sworn in as New Zealand's 42nd Prime Minister Wellington, November 27 - Christopher Luxon, leader of the New Zealand National Party, declared his commitment to economic reform during his inauguration ceremony as the 42nd Prime Minister in Wellington. Emphasizing the need for price stability, interest rate reduction, and lowering food prices, Luxon out..

재고를 어떻게 기록하는가

■ 이중렬 회계사의 부동산 세금 컬럼 재고를 어떻게 기록하는가 고객에게 팔기 위해 보유하고 있는 상품, 또는 고객에게 팔기 위한 상품을 만들기 위해 보유하고 있는 재료를 재고라고 한다. 재고를 구입하는 경우 아직 팔려나간 것이 아니기에, 사업체의 자산으로 기록하는 것이 원칙적으로는 맞다. 그런데, 이렇게 자산으로 기록해두면 나중에 상품이 팔려나갈때 재고자산의 금액을 줄여줘야 하는데 (창고에서 물건이 빠져나갔으니까), 이 재고 금액이 줄어드는 것을 일일이 기록하는 것이 보통 노력을 필요로 하는 일이 아니다. 물론, 고가의 상품을 소량 판매하는 경우에는 재고의 구입과 재고의 감소를 그때 그때 기록하는 것이 가능할 것이다. 명품 의류나 보석상, 차량판매와 같은 업종에서는 신규상품 구입시에 재고자산을 올려주는 ..

럭슨 총리, 금연정책 개편 "금연법 폐지"와 흡연률 감소를 위한 정책

럭슨 총리, 금연정책 개편 "금연법 폐지"와 흡연률 감소를 위한 정책 Prime Minister Luxon Announces Overhaul of Anti-Smoking Policies: Abolishment of Smoking Ban and Measures to Reduce Smoking Rates New Zealand, Announcement of a New Coalition Government on the 24th In a recent joint government agreement announced on the 24th, New Zealand's new government has decided to repeal key policies introduced by the previous Labour g..

뉴질랜드 금융 시장, 금리 예상보다 빠른 하락 전망

뉴질랜드 금융 시장, 금리 예상보다 빠른 하락 전망 New Zealand Financial Market Anticipates Faster Interest Rate Decline In New Zealand's financial market, interest rates are projected to decrease more rapidly than previously anticipated. Approximately three interest rate cuts are expected in the mid-next year. Gareth Kiernan, Senior Analyst at Infometrics, stated, "In examining the sustainability of inflation in rec..

국민당, ACT당, NZF당 대표 정상회담, 정부 구성을 위한 협상 세부사항 조율 중

국민당, ACT당, NZF당 대표 정상회담, 정부 구성을 위한 협상 세부사항 조율 중 National, Act, NZ First leaders finalising agreement details to form government Auckland, Monday - Leader of New Zealand's National Party, Lucy Luson, announced on Monday afternoon at the Cordis Hotel in Auckland that a policy agreement had been reached in a meeting with the ACT Party and NZ First Party. However, NZ First leader Peters expressed di..

에어뉴질랜드, 국내선 감소에 따라 할인 항공권 예상되

에어뉴질랜드, 국내선 감소에 따라 할인 항공권 예상되 Air New Zealand Anticipates Discounted Airfares Due to Decrease in Domestic Flights In response to a decline in domestic passenger numbers, Air New Zealand is expected to offer discounted airfares in the coming months, according to aviation experts analyzing recently released statistics. Aviation analysts have highlighted the challenges faced by Air NZ due to a redu..

노스쇼어 하버 스타디움, 내년 철거 예정 - 브라운 시장의 긴급 예산 대책

노스쇼어 하버 스타디움, 내년 철거 예정 - 브라운 시장의 긴급 예산 대책 North Shore Harbor Stadium to be Demolished Next Year - Mayor Brown's Urgent Budget Measure North Shore Harbor Stadium in the North Shore area is set to be demolished next year. Mayor Brown addressed the issue, describing the North Shore Stadium as a "white elephant" to address the city council's multimillion-dollar budget shortfall, stating that it will..

유언장 (Will) – 7편

■ 이완상 변호사의 법률컬럼 제 193회 유언장 (Will) – 7편 (이전 호에서 계속) 1. 부부 공동재산 (Relationship Property: RP) 분배방법 (이하 ‘PRA법’) 의 규정에 따라, 배우자가 사망한 경우 그 생존 배우자는 배우자가 남긴 유언장과 부부 공동재산 (RP)과의 관계에서 다음 두가지중 하나의 선택권 (option)을 행사할 수 있다 – PRA법, 제61조. 1) Option A Option A를 선택하는 경우 생존 배우자는, 유언장의 내용 (또는 무유언장의 경우 intestacy원칙)에 따른 분배를 받는 것이 아니라, PRA법 상의 공동재산 균등분배 (equal share) 원칙에 따른 몫을 받게 된다. 따라서Option A를 행사했을 경우 실제로 생존 배우자가 향유하..

뉴질랜드, 사상 최대 이민자 유입으로 30년 만에 인구 급증

뉴질랜드, 사상 최대 이민자 유입으로 30년 만에 인구 급증 New Zealand Experiences Rapid Population Growth in 30 Years with Record Immigration Influx New Zealand's population has witnessed its largest surge in 30 years, recording a historic influx of immigrants. According to Statistics New Zealand, as of September, the population increased by a staggering 138,100 individuals over the past year, totaling 5,269,200. This ..

부동산 시장, 12월 중순까지 안정 뒤 내년 상승 전망

부동산 시장, 12월 중순까지 안정 뒤 내년 상승 전망 The Housing Market Set to Stabilize by Mid-December, Anticipating Growth in the Coming Year According to OneRoof News, a steady influx of real estate listings is expected to hit the market by mid-December, with projections indicating an even greater surge from January onward. Sam Steel, Senior Auctioneer at Ray White, noted a consistent rise in auction prices over ..

외교의 지연, 뉴질랜드 총리 당선인 럭슨, APEC 무기한 불참 가능성

외교의 지연, 뉴질랜드 총리 당선인 럭슨, APEC 무기한 불참 가능성 Diplomatic Delays: New Zealand Prime Minister-Elect Luxon Considers Indefinite APEC Absence Following the government formation delays after the elections held on the 14th, Christopher Luxon, the Prime Minister-elect of New Zealand and leader of the National Party, is expected to face challenges attending the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC..

BNZ은행, 주택대출 금리 15일부터 조정

BNZ은행, 주택대출 금리 15일부터 조정 BNZ Bank Adjusts Mortgage Rates Starting from the 15th BNZ Bank has announced adjustments to mortgage rates starting from the 15th, increasing popular rates across three options, including 1-year and 2-year rates. Notably, the special 1-year rate has risen from 7.25% to 7.35%. The 18-month special rate has been adjusted from 7.09% to 7.15%, and the 2-year special rate has..

뉴질랜드 ANZ 은행, 2023년 상반기 양호한 성과 속에 어려운 하반기 전망 경고

New Zealand's ANZ Bank, Warning of Challenging Second Half Amidst Strong First-Half Performance ANZ Bank in New Zealand announced its financial performance up to September 30, 2023, revealing a cash profit of NZD 2.26 billion over the past 12 months. Despite achieving robust results, the bank issued a cautionary note, anticipating tough times ahead and advising some customers. This development c..

국민당의 외국인 주택 과세 계획, 협상 차질 예상

National Party's Plan for Foreigner Property Tax Faces Negotiation Setback Michael Reddell(Independent economic commentator), a former economist at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, anticipates that the National Party's plan to tax foreign homebuyers may cause complications in coalition negotiations with the Action Party and New Zealand First. While negotiations are currently underway, leaders of..