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뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

전체 글 510

타우랑가, 새로운 도심 아이콘 탄생! 국내 최대 목재 오피스 건물 건설 중

타우랑가, 새로운 도심 아이콘 탄생! 국내 최대 목재 오피스 건물 건설 중 Tauranga Welcomes a New Urban Icon! Construction Underway for New Zealand's Largest Timber Office Building On the eastern coast of Tauranga, a modern and colossal timber office building is rising, becoming the epitome of contemporary architecture in New Zealand. Located at 90 Davenport Road, this 8-story structure, currently under construction by real es..

뉴질랜드 경제, 가계 순자산 6분기 만에 소폭 상승! 주택시장의 영향 주목

뉴질랜드 경제, 가계 순자산 6분기 만에 소폭 상승! 주택시장의 영향 주목 New Zealand Economy Sees Modest Increase in Household Net Worth After 6 Quarters! Attention on the Impact of the Housing Market New Zealand's household net worth has shown a slight increase after 6 quarters, sending positive signals to the economy. According to data from the Statistics Bureau, household net worth in the September quarter of last year rec..

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ), 경제 둔화 속 금리 결정에 관한 전망

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ), 경제 둔화 속 금리 결정에 관한 전망 Reserve Bank of New Zealand(RBNZ) Faces Economic Slowdown in Rate Decision Outlook In a recent speech by Paul Conway, Chief Economist of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), expectations for further interest rate cuts seem increasingly difficult. Conway, in his long-awaited address, explained that the current Official Cash Rate (OCR) standing at 5.5%, fol..

주택 건축비용 급등, 2024년 주택 신축 건설 예산 비용 전망

주택 건축비용 급등, 2024년 주택 신축 건설 예산 비용 전망 Surge in Housing Construction Costs, Anticipated Rise in 2024 New Home Construction Budgets 1. Rising Construction Costs and Material Expenses, Essential for Budget Planning in New Projects Amidst a sharp increase in housing construction costs post-COVID, there is a trend of easing cost escalation due to a slowdown in construction volumes and normalization of ..

주택 시장 동향과 예상: 뉴질랜드 경제의 다섯 가지 주요 동향

주택 시장 동향과 예상: 뉴질랜드 경제의 다섯 가지 주요 동향 Housing Market Trends and Outlook: Five Key Trends in the New Zealand Economy 1. Analyzing the Currents of Inflation and Predicting the Future of the Housing Market Recently, consumer price inflation has noticeably decreased from 5.6% in the third quarter to 4.7% in the fourth quarter of last year. This could be interpreted as a signal that inflation is gradual..

오클랜드 지역, 24년간 가장 빠른 집값 상승률을 기록한 교외 지역 발표

오클랜드 지역, 24년간 가장 빠른 집값 상승률을 기록한 교외 지역 발표 Auckland Surpasses Herne Bay with Record 24-Year Fastest Housing Price Surge In New Zealand's real estate landscape, Herne Bay has long been regarded as the most expensive area. However, recent data reveals that the Auckland region has outpaced Herne Bay, recording the fastest housing price surge in the past 24 years. Over the last two decades, Ponsonby, ..

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 2024년 첫 분기에 소폭 상승 전망

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 2024년 첫 분기에 소폭 상승 전망 New Zealand Housing Market Anticipates Modest Growth in Q1 2024 According to the latest Quotable Value House Price Index, it is anticipated that the housing prices across New Zealand will experience a modest increase in 2024, following a stagnant period at the end of 2023. As per the recently released Quotable Value House Price Index, home values have seen an upti..

뉴질랜드, 4분기 인플레이션 둔화로 경제전망 불투명…금리 인하 논의 가시화

뉴질랜드, 4분기 인플레이션 둔화로 경제전망 불투명…금리 인하 논의 가시화 New Zealand Grapples with Economic Uncertainty as 4Q Inflation Decelerates... Discussion on Interest Rate Cut Gains Traction The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in New Zealand has exhibited a significant deceleration during the fourth quarter, sparking intensified discussions on the timing of a potential interest rate cut. According to reports by The Wall Str..

중앙은행의 새로운 주택 융자 정책 발표, 첫 주택 구매자들에게 희소식

중앙은행의 새로운 주택 융자 정책 발표, 첫 주택 구매자들에게 희소식 RBNZ Unveils Revamped Housing Loan Policy, Welcome News for First-Time Homebuyers The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) has announced a significant overhaul of its housing loan policy, bringing positive news to first-time homebuyers. The new housing loan policy includes the introduction of Debt-to-Income (DTI) regulations and is expected to be unveiled in ..

뉴질랜드 전자상거래, 뚜렷한 성장세…향후 기회와 도전은?

뉴질랜드 전자상거래, 뚜렷한 성장세…향후 기회와 도전은? New Zealand E-commerce Shows Clear Growth Trend... Opportunities and Challenges Ahead?" New Zealand's e-commerce market continues its remarkable growth trend since the aftermath of COVID-19, boasting a current size of approximately 7.66 billion New Zealand dollars. Surpassing expectations from the previous year, it is projected to reach around 15 billion New Zeala..

뉴질랜드 렌트비, 역대 최고치 기록…베이오브플렌티 지역이 최상위

뉴질랜드 렌트비, 역대 최고치 기록…베이오브플렌티 지역이 최상위 New Zealand Rental Rates Reach All-Time Highs, Bay of Plenty Claims Top Spot According to the latest rental price index from TradeMe, rental rates across New Zealand have hit historic highs, with a new region boasting the highest rents domestically. Recent data reveals that the national weekly average rent in December surged to $625, marking a steep ascent for..

경기 침체에 따른 가계 재정난으로 키위세이버 조기 인출 급증해

경기 침체에 따른 가계 재정난으로 키위세이버 조기 인출 급증해 KiwiSaver Early Withdrawals Surge Amid Economic Downturn and Household Financial Strain In New Zealand, the early withdrawal of 'KiwiSaver,' a means of preparing for retirement, has seen a sharp increase, exacerbating household financial difficulties. During the past December alone, more than half of the 6,400 withdrawals were attributed to 'hardship.' It has b..

오클랜드시, 폭우와 폭풍에 대비하는 Be Ready 캠페인 실시

오클랜드시, 폭우와 폭풍에 대비하는 Be Ready 캠페인 실시 Auckland City Council Launches "Be Ready" Campaign in Preparation for Heavy Rain and Storms Starting this week, the Auckland City Council has issued a warning to residents in the Auckland region to anticipate and prepare for the impact of heavy rain and storms, kicking off the "Be Ready" campaign. The initiative aims to provide visual data on flood-prone areas..

뉴질랜드 공항, 혁신적인 CT 스캐닝 도입으로 여행자 편의성과 안전 강화

뉴질랜드 공항, 혁신적인 CT 스캐닝 도입으로 여행자 편의성과 안전 강화 Innovative CT Scanning Enhances Convenience and Safety at New Zealand Airports New Zealand's major airports in Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington now allow passengers to keep laptops and liquids in their bags, thanks to the introduction of groundbreaking Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning technology. This innovative technology not only streamlines ..

중앙은행(The Reserve Bank), 주택 시장 안정을 위한 모기지 대출 규제 개편 발표

중앙은행(The Reserve Bank), 주택 시장 안정을 위한 모기지 대출 규제 개편 발표 The Reserve Bank (RBNZ) Announces Overhaul of Mortgage Regulations for Housing Market Stability In a move aimed at ensuring stability in the housing market, The Reserve Bank has announced a revamp of retail bank mortgage regulations. The new regulations include the introduction of the Debt-to-Income ratio (DTI) and adjustments to Loan-to-Value..

뉴질랜드, ASB의 경기 전망에도 물가 안정 어려울 전망

뉴질랜드, ASB의 경기 전망에도 물가 안정 어려울 전망 New Zealand Faces Challenges in Achieving Price Stability According to ASB Economic Outlook According to ASB's outlook on the New Zealand economy, while a decrease in inflation is anticipated, a reduction in interest rates is expected to be challenging until the second half of 2024. The Statistics New Zealand (Stats NZ) is set to release the Consumer Price Index (..

주택시장, 2년 만에 가장 강력한 상승세…전국 부동산가 2% 이상 상승

주택시장, 2년 만에 가장 강력한 상승세…전국 부동산가 2% 이상 상승 Housing Market Experiences Most Robust Surge in 2 Years... Nationwide Real Estate Prices Rise Over 2% Over the past three months, the housing market has gradually gained momentum, showing the most robust surge in the last two years. According to recent data from CoreLogic, the national Home Price Index (HPI) increased by 1% in December, following rises of ..

신규주택 건축허가, 2023년 11월까지 전년 대비 24% 감소

신규주택 건축허가, 2023년 11월까지 전년 대비 24% 감소 New Home Construction Permits Experience a 24% YoY Decline Through November 2023 National new home building permits in November of the previous year recorded a significant 24% decrease compared to the same period last year. According to statistics released on January 11, a total of 38,209 new home building permits were issued during this period, indicating a s..

전기차와 하이브리드 차량, 도로사용세 면제 종료로 새로운 변화 예고

전기차와 하이브리드 차량, 도로사용세 면제 종료로 새로운 변화 예고 New Zealand Ends Road Tax Exemption for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Signals a New Shift The National Party government has announced the termination of the Road User Charges (RUC) exemption for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles under a new policy led by Minister of Transport Simeon Brown. This decision marks the first phase of the National Party-ACT coal..

뉴질랜드 녹색당 난민 출신 의원 골리즈 가라만, 절도 혐의로 사임 결정

뉴질랜드 녹색당 난민 출신 의원 골리즈 가라만, 절도 혐의로 사임 결정 New Zealand Green Party MP and former refugee Golriz Ghahraman Resigns Amidst Theft Allegations In a surprising turn of events, Golriz Ghahraman, a 42-year-old Member of Parliament known for her refugee background and legal expertise within the Green Party, announced her resignation from parliamentary duties on the 16th. The decision comes in the wake of a..