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뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/03 34

뉴질랜드 주택가치 안정세 유지… 오클랜드는 하락세

뉴질랜드 주택가치 안정세 유지… 오클랜드는 하락세 New Zealand Housing Values Maintain Stability... Auckland Sees Decline Recent statistics reveal that housing values in New Zealand maintained an overall stability in February. However, this stability comes amidst a mixed picture across various regions nationwide. According to the report from the QV House Price Index (HPI), the average housing value across New Zealand ..

뉴질랜드 정부, 임대주택 모기지 이자공제 재개 확정

뉴질랜드 정부, 임대주택 모기지 이자공제 재개 확정 New Zealand Government Confirms Resumption of Mortgage Interest Deduction for Rental Housing The New Zealand government has confirmed the reinstatement of mortgage interest deductions for rental housing as part of adjustments to the Labour Party's policies. Consequently, the deduction, which was abolished since 2021, will be reinstated, and under the new regulations,..

국민당 정부, 세금 감면으로 부동산 집주인 혜택 강화

국민당 정부, 세금 감면으로 부동산 집주인 혜택 강화 National Party, Strengthens Property Owners' Benefits with Tax Breaks In a bid to alleviate the turmoil in the real estate market and provide economic benefits to tenants, the National Party government has pledged a total of $2.9 billion in tax breaks to landlords. The government plans to implement tax breaks by restoring full deductions for interest on residential ..

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 은행 금리 인하에 반응

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 은행 금리 인하에 반응 New Zealand Housing Market Reacts to Bank Rate Cuts Key banks in New Zealand such as ASB and Kiwibank have announced reductions in short-term mortgage rates and some cuts in term deposit rates. This move is poised to draw attention from homeowners and prospective buyers in the New Zealand housing market. ASB Bank has adjusted its 6-month and 1-year fixed mortgage rates b..

주택 가격 상승 기대 하향 조정, BNZ은행이 예상 전망 발표

주택 가격 상승 기대 하향 조정, BNZ은행이 예상 전망 발표 Housing Price Expectations Adjusted Downward, BNZ Bank Announces Forecast Mike Jones, Chief Economist at BNZ (Bank of New Zealand), forecasts a stabilization in the upward trend of housing prices in the first half of this year and accordingly adjusted expectations. According to Jones, as stated in the recent BNZ Real Estate Trends Report, "We anticipate housing..

뉴질랜드 미디어 혁신의 도전, 구글과 페이스북의 압박

뉴질랜드 미디어 혁신의 도전, 구글과 페이스북의 압박 Challenges of Media Innovation in New Zealand: Pressure from Google and Facebook Major media institutions in New Zealand are emphasizing innovation to survive in the digital environment, leading to decisions such as restructuring and program cancellations. Here's an overview of recent developments. The media industry in New Zealand is facing significant changes with..

뉴질랜드 공식 방문 중인 베트남 총리, 뉴질랜드 기업들에게 투자와 협력 요청

뉴질랜드 공식 방문 중인 베트남 총리, 뉴질랜드 기업들에게 투자와 협력 요청 Vietnamese Prime Minister, During Official Visit to New Zealand, Solicits Investment and Collaboration from New Zealand Companies The Vietnamese Prime Minister, currently on an official visit to New Zealand, has met with New Zealand businesses, urging them to invest and engage in ventures within Vietnam. Prime Minister Jin of Vietnam made this appeal du..

주택대출 금리 인하로 은행 간 경쟁 치열

주택대출 금리 인하로 은행 간 경쟁 치열 Intense Competition Among Banks Amidst Mortgage Rate Cuts BNZ Aligns Mortgage Rate Cuts with Fixed Deposit Adjustments Amidst fierce competition triggered by mortgage rate cuts, BNZ has garnered attention in the market by synchronizing recent mortgage rate cuts with adjustments in fixed deposits. BNZ has emerged as a leading player in mortgage rate cuts in the market due t..

바풋 앤 톰슨, 부동산 호황 속 판매 증가... 신규 매물 급증에 시장 동향 변화

바풋 앤 톰슨, 부동산 호황 속 판매 증가... 신규 매물 급증에 시장 동향 변화 Barfoot & Thompson Witness Sales Surge Amid Real Estate Boom... Market Trends Shift with a Rapid Increase in New Listings Barfoot & Thompson made headlines in February as they recorded robust real estate sales, signaling a shift in market dynamics with a significant surge in new property listings. The real estate agency confirmed the presence of a su..

뉴질랜드 대출금리 하락 속 주택담보대출 연체 급증, 금융 시장 불안감 확산

뉴질랜드 대출금리 하락 속 주택담보대출 연체 급증, 금융 시장 불안감 확산 Rapid Surge in Mortgage Defaults Amidst Lower Interest Rates in New Zealand, Financial Market Unease Spreads On March 4th, both ASB and ANZ made a move to decrease loan interest rates by approximately 10 basis points (bp). This action follows the recent announcement by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) to maintain the OCR at 5.5% last week, and acco..

뉴질랜드 1월 신규주택 건축허가, 5년 만에 최저 기록… 전국적인 감소세

뉴질랜드 1월 신규주택 건축허가, 5년 만에 최저 기록… 전국적인 감소세 New Zealand Records Lowest Monthly Residential Building Permits in 5 Years… Nationwide Decline In a significant downturn, the issuance of new residential building permits across New Zealand hit its lowest level in five years as of January. According to the latest data from the statistics bureau, a total of 1,991 permits were approved, marking a 28% decrea..

ANZ은행, ASB은행과 협력하여 금리 인하로 적극 대응

ANZ은행, ASB은행과 협력하여 금리 인하로 적극 대응 ANZ Bank Takes Proactive Measures with Substantial Interest Rate Reductions in Collaboration with ASB Bank ANZ Bank has slashed its fixed interest rates across various terms, demonstrating a commitment to providing financial relief to its customers. The adjustments include a reduction from 7.39% to 7.24% for the one-year fixed rate, a substantial drop from 7.15% t..

신규 주택매물 증가에도, 모기지 압박 속 키위들의 불안감 지속

신규 주택매물 증가에도, 모기지 압박 속 키위들의 불안감 지속 Despite a Surge in New Home Listings, Kiwis Grapple with Mortgage Pressure Citizens in New Zealand who have secured mortgages are facing serious financial difficulties amid a cost-of-living crisis, and recent data reveals a sharp increase in the time it takes to sell homes. According to, the number of homes listed in February increased by 45% c..

특수 위임장 (Enduring Power of Attorney) – 4편

■ 이완상 변호사의 법률컬럼 제 197회 특수 위임장 (Enduring Power of Attorney) – 4편 6. EPA 효력의 정지 및 종료 EPA는 유언장과 마찬가지로 위임인이 정상적인 정신상태 (mentally capable)에서 변경,철회,정지, 종료 등이 가능하다.즉,위임장의 내용을 바꾸거나, 서면통지를 통해 대리권 행사에 대한 통제를 할 수 있다. 특히 여기에서 말하는 정지 (suspension)는 위임인이 정신적 장애가 없는 상태에서 일시적 또는 잠정적으로 대리인의 권한을 정지시키는 것으로, 대리권을 종료 (cease)시키는 것과는 구분되며,본인이 다시 “mentally incapable” 상태에 빠지면 대리권이 부활하게 된다. 또한 다음의 경우에는EPA의 효력이 즉시 종료되어 대리인은..