Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/04/03 7

유언장 없는 사망 시 부동산 분배 어떻게 이루어지나?

유언장 없는 사망 시 부동산 분배 어떻게 이루어지나? How is Real Estate Distributed in the Absence of a Will? A recent survey has revealed that nearly half of New Zealand adults, accounting for 47%, have not drafted a will. This survey was conducted by the specialized law firm Safewill. In light of these findings, preparing for the inevitability of death has become an increasingly significant issue. In the event of de..

오클랜드 주택 공급 늘어나는 Unitary Plan, 주택 시장 변화 이끌어

오클랜드 주택 공급 늘어나는 Unitary Plan, 주택 시장 변화 이끌어 Expansion of Housing Supply in Auckland Driven by Unitary Plan, Leading Housing Market Transformation New research has unveiled the positive impact of zoning regulations in Auckland on the housing market. According to a study conducted by Auckland University, the Unitary Plan implemented between 2016 and 2021 has shown potential to contribute approximat..

오클랜드 카페 운영자, 세금 42만1천달러 탈세 혐의로 징역 선고

오클랜드 카페 운영자, 세금 42만1천달러 탈세 혐의로 징역 선고 Auckland Café Owner Jailed For Evading $421k in Taxes The Auckland District Court in New Zealand has handed down a prison sentence for tax evasion to the owner of an Auckland café, who caused a minimum of $421,000 in losses to taxpayers. This case revealed that café operator Elizabeth Tangikau had committed tax evasion at a café open to the public through her..

부동산 세금 공제 재도입, 임대 시장 변화 예상은

부동산 세금 공제 재도입, 임대 시장 변화 예상은 Reintroduction of Real Estate Tax Deduction: Anticipated Changes in Rental Market Property owners are now eligible to claim tax deductions on the interest on residential investment properties, but experts are not convinced this will necessarily lead to a decrease in rental rates. Real estate economists explain that such measures could escalate competition in the housi..

금리 하락 전망, 뉴질랜드 주택 시장에 영향

금리 하락 전망, 뉴질랜드 주택 시장에 영향 Anticipated Interest Rate Decline to Impact New Zealand Housing Market 'Market Shift Expected Due to Interest Rate Adjustment' In the current financial landscape of New Zealand, an anticipated shift in the housing mortgage market is expected due to adjustments in interest rates. Long-term fixed loans are becoming more affordable, while short-term options may incur higher..

뉴질랜드 중앙은행 총재, 금리 인하 가능성 시사

뉴질랜드 중앙은행 총재, 금리 인하 가능성 시사 Lower interest rates getting closer - Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr Adrian Orr, the Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), has indicated that there is a global shift in inflation trends, with interest rates nearing their peak and a possibility of reduction looming. The RBNZ has held the official cash rate (OCR) steady since May of last year, but there a..

뉴질랜드, 4월부터 최저임금, 수당 및 연금 변경과 세제정책 발표

뉴질랜드, 4월부터 최저임금, 수당 및 연금 변경과 세제정책 발표 New Zealand Announces Changes to Minimum Wage, Allowances, and Pension along with Tax Policies Starting April On April 1st, the New Zealand government unveiled new cash support and tax changes to address the cost of living crisis faced by Kiwis. While these changes may shed light of hope for some, they could potentially pose additional challenges for others. ..