Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/04/10 5

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 안정적인 성장세 지속

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 안정적인 성장세 지속 New Zealand Housing Market Maintains Stable Growth Trajectory The latest Quotable Value (QV) report, indicating a steady growth in New Zealand's housing market over the past three months, has been covered by TVNZ. According to the March report, the nationwide average housing value stood at $924,734, marking a 2.2% increase compared to the same period last year, yet 13.1% ..

뉴질랜드, 9가지 분야 목표로 공공서비스 개선 발표

뉴질랜드, 9가지 분야 목표로 공공서비스 개선 발표 New Zealand Unveils Public Service Improvement Goals Across 9 Sectors The New Zealand government has announced targets for improvements in nine areas, including healthcare, public safety, social welfare, education, and climate. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon detailed the goals to be pursued by the government over the next six years in this recent announcement. 1. E..

신규주택 건축허가, 2월 기록 작년 대비 6.0% 감소

신규주택 건축허가, 2월 기록 작년 대비 6.0% 감소 New Residential Building Permits Decrease by 6.0% Compared to Last Year in February The nationwide new residential building permits recorded a decrease of 6.0% compared to the same period last year, totaling 2,795, according to the statistics bureau. This decline signals a slowdown in the construction industry. A spokesperson for the statistics bureau explained tha..

크리스토퍼 럭슨 총리, '에스토니아처럼' 뉴질랜드 비전 제시

크리스토퍼 럭슨 총리, '에스토니아처럼' 뉴질랜드 비전 제시 Prime Minister Christopher Luxon Presents New Zealand's Vision 'Like Estonia' New Zealand's Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, has articulated his determination to rally the expectations and hopes of the nation, aiming to mold New Zealand 'like Estonia.' Luxon emphasized that his coalition government would draw inspiration from success stories of other countries..

뉴질랜드, 이민 정책 강화로 '이민의 벽' 높인다

뉴질랜드, 이민 정책 강화로 '이민의 벽' 높인다 New Zealand Strengthens Immigration Policies, Heightening 'Immigration Barrier' New Zealand is tightening visa regulations by enhancing language and skill requirements, as well as shortening work permit durations, effectively raising the 'immigration barrier'. On the 7th of last month, New Zealand's Immigration Minister, Erica Stanford, announced changes to the Accred..