Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2023/12 24

신규주택 건축허가, 10월 10% 이상 급감… 연간 21% 하락세 지속

신규주택 건축허가, 10월 10% 이상 급감… 연간 21% 하락세 지속 Residential Construction Permits Plunge by Over 10% in October, Maintaining Annual Decline of 21% Recent statistics reveal a stark decline of more than 10% in new residential construction permits in the domestic market for the month of October compared to the same period last year. This downward trend is evident in both single-family and multi-family resid..

중앙은행, 2024년 OCR 인상 발표…경제 불안, 신임 총리의 대안은?

중앙은행, 2024년 OCR 인상 발표…경제 불안, 신임 총리의 대안은? Reserve Bank Announces OCR Hike in 2024 Amid Economic Uncertainty; Prime Minister's Alternatives Explored In a bid to continue the battle against lingering inflation, the Reserve Bank has declared its intention to implement an additional OCR (Official Cash Rate) hike in 2024. This move sends a robust message that economic unease persists. The onset of the..

건축 활동 중 의료 시설 증가, 특히 병원과 요양원 높아져

건축 활동 중 의료 시설 증가, 특히 병원과 요양원 높아져 Upward Trend in Healthcare Construction Amidst Overall Downturn in Building Activities Despite a downturn in domestic construction activities until the last quarter of September compared to the previous quarter, the construction of medical facilities has witnessed a significant upswing compared to a year ago. According to data released on December 5th (Tuesday) b..

2년 전 $1.8M 달러 거부한 주택 소유주, $1.4M에 집 매각해

2년 전 $1.8M 달러 거부한 주택 소유주, $1.4M에 집 매각해 Homeowner sells house for $1.4m two years after rejecting $1.8m offer Land on Rangitoto Road in Papatoetoe Fetches $200,000 Above Market Price in Fierce Bidding War A spirited competition among real estate developers has unfolded in a section of Rangitoto Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland. A parcel of land in this location has been sold at a price a striking $200,..