Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2023/12/14 5

키위뱅크, 이민자 급증으로 인해 집값 전망 상향 조정

키위뱅크, 이민자 급증으로 인해 집값 전망 상향 조정 Kiwibank revises up house price forecast due to 'massive' migration Kiwibank, Anticipates Real Estate Boom Amid Surge in Immigration... Projecting a 6% Increase in Housing Prices Next Year Economists at Kiwi Bank predict that the surging number of immigrants will drive the real estate market, surpassing expected housing prices for the upcoming year. In their latest ..

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장, 활기를 띄며 회복세 진입

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장, 활기를 띠며 회복세 진입 New Zealand Housing Market Shows Signs of Recovery with Increased Activity Against the backdrop of a recent surge in home transactions, the housing market in New Zealand is displaying vibrancy, according to data released by the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) in November. According to REINZ's data, the number of listings in the market is on the rise, and i..

뉴질랜드, 중앙은행(RBNZ) 역할 재조정으로 정책의 새로운 방향

뉴질랜드, 중앙은행(RBNZ) 역할 재조정으로 정책의 새로운 방향 New Zealand Shifts Policy Direction with Central Bank (RBNZ) Role Adjustment The New Zealand government has passed legislation reevaluating the mission of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), focusing on full employment and price stability, reports the Australian Financial Review (AFR) on the 13th. Consequently, the RBNZ has set a new target to maintain th..

코어로직, 2023년: 뉴질랜드 주택 시장의 전환점

코어로직, 2023년: 뉴질랜드 주택 시장의 전환점 CoreLogic, 2023: A turning point for the NZ housing market In a prognostication for the New Zealand real estate market in 2023, CoreLogic, a specialized real estate data analysis company, anticipates a pivotal role in the market's transition. According to a recently released report, a decline in housing inventory and price drops is expected to be followed by a recove..

뉴질랜드에서 가장 비싼 주택 판매, 가장 빠르게 성장하는 교외 지역 공개

뉴질랜드에서 가장 비싼 주택 판매, 가장 빠르게 성장하는 교외 지역 공개 New Zealand's priciest house sale, fastest growing suburb revealed Intensifying Competition in Auckland Real Estate Market: Remuera and Hauraki Heights in Focus According to CoreLogic real estate data, a property at 120 Victoria Ave in Auckland's Remuera area was recently sold for $23.8 million in July, marking the highest transaction of the year. Additio..