Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2023/12/06 4

가계대출 활동 증가, 모기지 금리 내년에도 현재 수준 유지 예상되

가계대출 활동 증가, 모기지 금리 내년에도 현재 수준 유지 예상 Household Loan Activities on the Rise, Mortgage Rates Expected to Remain at Current Levels Next Year While household loan activities are increasing, new borrowers are expected to face higher mortgage rates for a longer period. According to recent surveys, mortgage rates are anticipated to remain similar to current levels next year, depending on market movement..

신규주택 건축허가, 10월 10% 이상 급감… 연간 21% 하락세 지속

신규주택 건축허가, 10월 10% 이상 급감… 연간 21% 하락세 지속 Residential Construction Permits Plunge by Over 10% in October, Maintaining Annual Decline of 21% Recent statistics reveal a stark decline of more than 10% in new residential construction permits in the domestic market for the month of October compared to the same period last year. This downward trend is evident in both single-family and multi-family resid..

중앙은행, 2024년 OCR 인상 발표…경제 불안, 신임 총리의 대안은?

중앙은행, 2024년 OCR 인상 발표…경제 불안, 신임 총리의 대안은? Reserve Bank Announces OCR Hike in 2024 Amid Economic Uncertainty; Prime Minister's Alternatives Explored In a bid to continue the battle against lingering inflation, the Reserve Bank has declared its intention to implement an additional OCR (Official Cash Rate) hike in 2024. This move sends a robust message that economic unease persists. The onset of the..

건축 활동 중 의료 시설 증가, 특히 병원과 요양원 높아져

건축 활동 중 의료 시설 증가, 특히 병원과 요양원 높아져 Upward Trend in Healthcare Construction Amidst Overall Downturn in Building Activities Despite a downturn in domestic construction activities until the last quarter of September compared to the previous quarter, the construction of medical facilities has witnessed a significant upswing compared to a year ago. According to data released on December 5th (Tuesday) b..