Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2023/12/07 3

정부주택 부족, 대기자 급증… 경제학자 '긴급 대책 필요

정부주택 부족, 대기자 급증… 경제학자 '긴급 대책 필요 Government Housing Shortage, Surge in Applicants... Economists Urge Urgent Measures According to the latest data, the government housing waiting list is expanding once again, raising concerns among experts in social economics. An economist is urging the government to swiftly address the issue of a shortage in affordable housing supply. As per data released in Octo..

노동당, 두 번째 하버브리지 계획 폐기되나

노동당, 두 번째 하버브리지 계획 폐기되나 Labor Party Faces Potential Abandonment of Second Harbor Bridge Plan In a twist of fate, the Labor Party's ambitious second Harbor Bridge plan is now at risk of being scrapped. The project, spearheaded by the party, is encountering difficulties due to inadequate support from the Department of Transportation and the Auckland City Council. The proposed plan involved an inve..

에어뉴질랜드, 2026년부터 소형 전기 항공기 도입 계획 발표

에어뉴질랜드, 2026년부터 소형 전기 항공기 도입 계획 발표 Air New Zealand Announces Plans to Introduce Electric Aircraft from 2026 In a strategic move set to redefine the era of passenger transportation, Air New Zealand, a leading airline in the region, has unveiled plans to incorporate small electric aircraft into its fleet starting in 2026. On the 5th of this month, Air New Zealand placed an order for small electric..