Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

뉴질랜드 부동산 경제 뉴스 446

뉴질랜드, 경기 둔화에서 벗어날 것으로 예상

New Zealand Expected to Emerge from Economic Slowdown On the 21st of this month, Stats NZ is set to release data for the second quarter of this year, with the market anticipating a modest growth of around 0.5%. ANZ predicts a growth rate of 0.4%, while the central bank forecasts 0.5%, and Kiwibank is even more optimistic with a projection of 0.6%. This growth is attributed to New Zealand's surge..

지진 발생시 대응 미흡한 뉴질랜드인들을 위한 기본 대처 방법

Inadequate Response to Earthquakes by New Zealanders: Basic Guidelines According to a study by Massey University in New Zealand, there is a tendency among New Zealanders to inadequately respond and become confused when they receive earthquake alerts. While New Zealand lacks an official earthquake alert system, Google sends automatic earthquake warnings to Android phones when vibrations are detec..

뉴질랜드 남섬, 규모 6.2와 5.6 지진 연이어 발생

Back-to-Back Earthquakes Strike New Zealand's South Island ​ According to GeoNet, New Zealand's geological agency, a powerful magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck the northern part of the South Island, 45 kilometers from Geraldine, at 9:14 a.m. on the 19th. The earthquake's epicenter was at a depth of 10 kilometers, and local media reported tremors were felt in several cities across the South Island,..

선거전 TVNZ 지도자 토론: 룩슨과 힙킨스의 논쟁된 의견들

TVNZ Live Election Debates: Heated Opinions of Luxon and Hopkins ​ As the October election approaches, Christopher Luxon and Chris Hopkins, the leaders of the National Party and the Labour Party, respectively, squared off in TVNZ's first leader debate. The two leaders clashed primarily over their opinions on the economy and crime. Opinions on GST Exemption for Fruits and Vegetables Luxon, leader..

브래드 올슨, GDP 상승 예측하지만 '어둠의 경기침체' 경고

Brad Olsen predicts rise in GDP but warns of 'shadow recession' ​ A leading economist believes New Zealand will bounce out of a recession when the new figures are revealed later this week but warns the economy isn't back to normal. It comes after the economy contracted over the previous two quarters, putting New Zealand into recession. Gross domestic product (GDP) data for the June quarter will ..

주택 구입과 렌트 비용 비교: 언제 구입이 유리할까?

Here's how much prices have to rise to make buying a better option than renting your house ​ If house prices were to rise about 5% over the next year it would pay homeowners back for the extra cost of owning their home compared to renting it – at least on paper, BNZ chief economist Mike Jones says. He said buying a house was “much more expensive” than equivalent rent costs at the moment, and the..