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뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

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경제적 압박으로 인해 키위세이버 기금 납부 포기하는 이들 급증

경제적 압박으로 인해 키위세이버 기금 납부 포기하는 이들 급증Cost of living forces people to dump KiwiSaver contributions  Reports indicate that the number of individuals suspending their KiwiSaver, a financial giant in New Zealand, has reached its highest level in a decade. This trend is attributed to domestic financial strain, demonstrating how some households are halting their retirement savings plans.According to ..

뉴질랜드, 강력 범죄에 '삼진아웃법' 재도입

뉴질랜드, 강력 범죄에 '삼진아웃법' 재도입New Zealand to Reinstate "Three strikes policy" for Serious Crimes The New Zealand government announced on Monday its decision to reinstate the "Three strikes policy" to ensure severe punishment for serious crimes. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Justice Minister Nicole McKee emphasized that this measure aims to strengthen community safety.Under the reinstated law..

정부, 자원 관리법 첫 개정안 공개

정부, 자원 관리법 첫 개정안 공개Government reveals first changes to Resource Management Act  In 2024, the New Zealand government is in the process of conducting a primary amendment to the Resource Management Act (RMA), which is expected to result in the abolition or modification of regulations in various sectors including mining and agriculture. This revision covers various aspects excluding resources, w..

정부, 금융 서비스 개혁으로 대출 변경 사항 발표

정부, 금융 서비스 개혁으로 대출 변경 사항 발표Government announces lending changes In a joint declaration by Commerce Minister Andrew Bailey and Housing Minister Chris Bishop, the government has announced plans to reform financial services to increase accessibility to housing and other loans, while strengthening customer protection.Minister Bailey highlighted the exacerbation of unnecessary costs and loan barri..

뉴질랜드 주택시장 변화 속, 인플레이션 하락에 대한 동향과 전망

뉴질랜드 주택시장 변화 속, 인플레이션 하락에 대한 동향과 전망New Zealand Housing Market Shifts Amidst Declining Inflation: Trends and Outlook Last week witnessed a notable 4% drop in inflation indicators, signaling changes in the housing market landscape. Mortgage holders faced a challenging period as they determine one-year mortgage interest rates, while a new pet bond system for rental properties was announced.The h..

타우랑가 주택난, 주민들 배와 차로 임시생활

타우랑가 주택난, 주민들 배와 차로 임시생활Tauranga Housing Crisis: Residents Forced into Temporary Living on Boats and Cars Tauranga, one of New Zealand's largest cities, is currently grappling with a serious housing crisis. Ann Tolley, Chairperson of the Tauranga City Council, has pointed out the inadequate response to this issue.Rising rents have left many residents unable to afford housing, forcing them to ..

패밀리트러스트 소득세율 변화

■ 이중렬 회계사의 뉴질랜드 세무상식 컬럼 패밀리트러스트 소득세율 변화  2024년 4월1일부터는 패밀리트러스트 Family Trust에 39% 소득세율이 적용된다. 2024년 3월 31일까지의 기간에 대해서는 33%의 패밀리트러스트 소득세율이 적용되어 왔다. [사례1] 직장인 백현우씨는 QOT Family Trust(‘QT’)를 만들어서 유지하고 있다. Mar 2024 회계연도에 QT에서 발생한 소득은 10만불이었다. Mar 2024 회계연도에 대해 QT가 납부하는 소득세는 $33,000이 된다 (10만불 x 33%). [사례2] 백현우씨의 패밀리트러스트 QT는 Mar 2025 회계연도에도 10만불의 소득을 올렸다. Mar 2025 회계연도에 대해 QT가 납부하는 소득세는 $39,0..

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장, 국민당 정부 정책 변화로 활기 찾을까

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장, 국민당 정부 정책 변화로 활기 찾을까 Will the New Zealand Housing Market Find Vigor with Government Policy Changes under the National Party? The New Zealand housing market experienced a significant rise in prices since early 2020, when interest rates hit record lows, reaching a peak at the end of 2021. However, the market has been in a slump since 2023 due to rising interest rates and other factors..

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장, 가을로 접어들며 경매(Auction) 활동 부진

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 가을로 접어들며 경매(Auction) 활동 부진 New Zealand Housing Market Slows as Autumn Begins The New Zealand housing market is experiencing a slowdown in auction activity. According to monitoring by, residential property auctions numbered 472 last week (April 6–12), a rise from 303 immediately following Easter, but a decline from 500 the week leading up to Easter. As autumn approaches,..

오클랜드 신규 주택 공급, 2월에 새로운 주택 1,583채 완공

오클랜드 신규 주택 공급, 2월에 새로운 주택 1,583채 완공 Auckland Sees Completion of 1,583 New Homes in February According to recent data released by the Auckland Council, a total of 1,583 new homes were completed in the month of February, marking a 36% increase compared to February last year. This signals a strong surge in new housing supply. The issuance of Code Compliance Certificates (CCC), granted when a buildi..

부동산 시장 10년 만에 매물 증가: 가격은 여전히 낮아

부동산 시장 10년 만에 매물 증가: 가격은 여전히 낮아 New Zealand Housing Market Sees Increase in Listings After 10 Years: Prices Remain Low The New Zealand housing market is experiencing a significant increase in listings for the first time in a decade. Despite this, home prices continue to remain low, and the influx of first-time homebuyers is notable. The real estate industry points out that despite the rise in li..

뉴질랜드, 외국인 토지 매입 정책 변경에 논란

뉴질랜드, 외국인 토지 매입 정책 변경에 논란 New Zealand Faces Controversy Over Changes in Foreign Land Acquisition Policy The foreign land acquisition policy of the New Zealand government is under scrutiny from the Labour Party. The Labour Party alleges that the government is allowing easier purchase of New Zealand land by foreign buyers by changing the application processing methods. Traditionally, the Land Info..

정부, 세입자 보호 위한 애완동물 보증금(Pet Bond) 제도 개정안 발표

정부, 세입자 보호 위한 애완동물 보증금(Pet Bond) 제도 개정안 발표 Government Unveils Amendment Proposal for Pet Bond System to Protect Tenants The New Zealand government has announced the introduction of a new Pet Bond system aimed at safeguarding tenants. Henceforth, landlords will be empowered to demand additional bonds from tenants who own pets. Under the new scheme, landlords can add up to two weeks' worth of pet ..

부동산 사기로 인한 손실, 관리자 신원 확인이 절실

부동산 사기로 인한 손실, 관리자 신원 확인이 절실 Loss Due to Real Estate Scam Highlights Urgency of Verifying Manager Identities A recent case brought to light by the Tenancy Tribunal underscores the risks involved in rental property transactions, as a couple fell victim to a scam disguised as property management, losing $2750 in the process. The couple, whose identities remain undisclosed in the tribunal's records..

계약 위반에 대한 구제 (Remedies for Breach of Contract) – 2편

■ 이완상 변호사의 법률컬럼 제 199회 계약 위반에 대한 구제 (Remedies for Breach of Contract) – 2편 손해의 배상 및 산정 방식 – 제 198회 참조 완벽한 손해 배상을 제약하는 요인들 세상에 완벽한 정의란 없다는 말이 있다. 이는 최대한 근접한 정의 (approximate justice)만 구현할 수 있어도 세상은 좀더 정의로운 상태가 될 수 있을 것이란 기대에서 나온 말이기도 할 것이다. 슬프게도 이 말은 계약의 위반에 대한 권리의 구제에도 적용된다.피해를 본 사람 누구도100% 완벽한 배상을 받았다는 사람은 보기 어렵다. 이하에서는 완벽한 손해 배상을 제약하는 요인들 (limits on recovery)이 무엇인지 알아 보도록 하겠다. 첫째는, “인과 관계 (caus..

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 안정적인 성장세 지속

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 안정적인 성장세 지속 New Zealand Housing Market Maintains Stable Growth Trajectory The latest Quotable Value (QV) report, indicating a steady growth in New Zealand's housing market over the past three months, has been covered by TVNZ. According to the March report, the nationwide average housing value stood at $924,734, marking a 2.2% increase compared to the same period last year, yet 13.1% ..

뉴질랜드, 9가지 분야 목표로 공공서비스 개선 발표

뉴질랜드, 9가지 분야 목표로 공공서비스 개선 발표 New Zealand Unveils Public Service Improvement Goals Across 9 Sectors The New Zealand government has announced targets for improvements in nine areas, including healthcare, public safety, social welfare, education, and climate. Prime Minister Christopher Luxon detailed the goals to be pursued by the government over the next six years in this recent announcement. 1. E..

신규주택 건축허가, 2월 기록 작년 대비 6.0% 감소

신규주택 건축허가, 2월 기록 작년 대비 6.0% 감소 New Residential Building Permits Decrease by 6.0% Compared to Last Year in February The nationwide new residential building permits recorded a decrease of 6.0% compared to the same period last year, totaling 2,795, according to the statistics bureau. This decline signals a slowdown in the construction industry. A spokesperson for the statistics bureau explained tha..

크리스토퍼 럭슨 총리, '에스토니아처럼' 뉴질랜드 비전 제시

크리스토퍼 럭슨 총리, '에스토니아처럼' 뉴질랜드 비전 제시 Prime Minister Christopher Luxon Presents New Zealand's Vision 'Like Estonia' New Zealand's Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, has articulated his determination to rally the expectations and hopes of the nation, aiming to mold New Zealand 'like Estonia.' Luxon emphasized that his coalition government would draw inspiration from success stories of other countries..

뉴질랜드, 이민 정책 강화로 '이민의 벽' 높인다

뉴질랜드, 이민 정책 강화로 '이민의 벽' 높인다 New Zealand Strengthens Immigration Policies, Heightening 'Immigration Barrier' New Zealand is tightening visa regulations by enhancing language and skill requirements, as well as shortening work permit durations, effectively raising the 'immigration barrier'. On the 7th of last month, New Zealand's Immigration Minister, Erica Stanford, announced changes to the Accred..