Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

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국민당의 외국인 주택 과세 계획, 협상 차질 예상

National Party's Plan for Foreigner Property Tax Faces Negotiation Setback Michael Reddell(Independent economic commentator), a former economist at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, anticipates that the National Party's plan to tax foreign homebuyers may cause complications in coalition negotiations with the Action Party and New Zealand First. While negotiations are currently underway, leaders of..

ANZ 은행, 금리인상에 힘입어 배당금 대폭 증가

ANZ Bank Plans Substantial Dividend Increase Amid Interest Rate Hike In response to a rise in interest rates in Australia, ANZ Bank is devising plans to significantly boost its dividends. On the 12th, ANZ Bank finalized its per-share final dividend at 0.94 Australian dollars, marking a substantial increase from the previous year's 0.74 Australian dollars. Shane Elliott, the CEO of ANZ, emphasize..

재고란 무엇인가

■ 이중렬 회계사의 부동산 세금 컬럼 재고란 무엇인가 재고在庫는 창고에 쌓여있는 물건을 말한다.고객에게 팔기 위해 보유하고 있는 상품,또는 고객에게 팔기 위한 상품을 만들기 위해 보유하고 있는 재료를 말한다 (식당에서 식자재를 구입하는 경우). 따라서 상품을 판매하는 것이 아니거나,상품을 만들어서 판매하는 것도 아니라면 사업을 하여도 재고를 보유하지 않을 수 있다: 임대소득을 받고 있는 부동산 임대업자는재고를 기록하지 않는다. [사례1]아침서점을 운영하는 정다은 씨는 단골고객들이 좋아할만한 책들을 오늘 새로 구입해서 창고에 정리해두었다.오천불어치의 책들을 새로 구입했다.정다은씨의 서점에는 재고가 오천불이 늘어났다. [사례2]행복치킨집을 운영하는 송유찬 씨는 매주 식자재를 구입하여 창고에 보관하고 있다.어..

노동당, 세금 정책 재검토로 새로운 방향 모색 중

Labor Party Seeks New Direction Through Tax Policy Review The Labor Party is currently in the process of reviewing its stance on capital gains and wealth taxes. Earlier this year, party leader Chris Hopkins announced that there would be no wealth or capital gains taxes after the election under his leadership. This decision led to dissent among some party members during a Labor Party executive me..

한 해 동안 신규주택 건축허가 20% 감소, 단독주택 시장 위기

Year-Long Decline in New Housing Permits by 20%, Stand-alone Housing Market Faces Crisis As of September this year, a total of 44,408 new housing permits were issued nationwide over the past year. According to data from the National Statistics Office, this marks a 20% decline compared to the annual 57,320 permits issued until September last year. Statisticians have noted that this is the highest..

에어 뉴질랜드, 엔진 점검으로 향후 2년간 운항 중단 경고

Air New Zealand warns of disruption for the next two years amid engine inspections Air New Zealand is making schedule changes on some routes due to engine inspections. The Auckland-Seoul (Incheon) direct route and the Auckland-Hobart (Australia) route will be temporarily suspended from April 2024 for six months. Currently, Air New Zealand operates the Auckland-Incheon direct route three times a ..

오클랜드 평균 주택 보증금, 2045년까지 100만 달러에 달할 수 있어

Average Auckland house deposit may reach $1m by 2045 A warning has surfaced that first-time homebuyers in New Zealand may find it increasingly challenging to afford the down payment for an average-priced home. According to a report shared exclusively with 1News, the Auckland average housing deposit is predicted to reach $1 million by the year 2045. Auckland designer Raph Roake contends that home..

뉴질랜드 부동산시장의 복잡한 현실: 키위들, 첫집 마련 후 구매 후회를 공유해

Complex Reality of New Zealand Housing Market: Kiwis share regrets about buying first home Wellington, New Zealand - Some New Zealand citizens who purchased their first homes are currently facing financial crises and regretting their decisions. These stories have become a hot topic on social media, with over 230 people commenting on a post titled, "Do you regret buying your first home?" One user..

중위 소득층 첫 주택 구매, 보증금 마련 '불가능'

Median-income First Home Buyers Struggle to Save for a Deposit It appears that middle-income individuals aiming to purchase their first homes will find it challenging to accumulate the required deposit. According to the Aera Time to Deposit Index report, which is based on research by Aera, middle-income homebuyers face unfavorable conditions when it comes to saving the 20% deposit on the average..

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장가 점차 상승, 회복은 느리게 진행 중

House prices starting to rise but recovery is slow going The stagnation in the New Zealand real estate market is expected to come to an end with signs of recovery on the horizon. According to the latest report from CoreLogic, the Housing Price Index (HPI) rose by 0.4% in October, marking a 0.1% increase over the past three months and the first increase in property values since March 2022. Kelvin..

유언장 (Will) – 6편

■ 이완상 변호사의 법률컬럼 제 192회 유언장 (Will) – 6편 (이전 호에서 계속) 소규모 유산 (Small Estate) 의 집행 유산 중에 부동산이 포함되지 않은 소규모의 유산에 대하여는 별도로 법원에 집행허가 (Probate 또는 Letters of Administration)를 받을 필요가 없다. 대표적인 소규모 유산은 15,000불이 넘지 않는 은행 예금, 주식, 생명보험, 국채, 지방채 등이다. 따라서 은행, 회사 등은 법원의 허가절차 없이 합당한 자격이 있는 유언 집행인이나 가족 등에게 소규모 유산을 넘겨줄 수가 있다. 다만, 이런 경우 유언 집행인은 사망진단서 등 해당기관이 요구하는 서류들을 제출해야 하고, 유산분배에 있어서도 반드시 유언장에 명시된 대로, 그리고 유언장이 없는 경우..

뉴질랜드 농장 및 라이프스타일 블록 시장, 9월에도 하락 지속

Sales of farms and lifestyle blocks continued their downward slide in September The rural property slump deepened in September with farm and lifestyle block sales both continuing their downward trajectory. According to the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), just 151 farms were sold over the three months to the end of September. That's down 21% compared to the same period of last year,..

1달러 최저가 경매, 템즈 해변 부동산에 43명의 입찰자 몰려

Auction with $1 reserve attracts 43 bidders to Thames waterfront property A slip knocked this red-stickered house off its foundations - the skew is not the camera - but that didn't stop it being a very hot property over the weekend. The house, in a prime waterfront position in Thornton Bay on the Thames Coast Rd, was auctioned with a $1 reserve on Saturday. And listing agent Steven Bridson of Ha..

뉴질랜드, 2024년 인플레이션 전망과 웨스트팩 은행의 금리 전망

New Zealand's 2024 Inflation Outlook and Westpac Bank's Interest Rate Forecast New Zealand - Westpac Bank has unveiled its forecasts for New Zealand's 2024 inflation rate and benchmark interest rates. It is increasingly likely that the inflation rate will remain within the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's (RBNZ) target range of 1% to 3%, and an additional interest rate hike is expected in the first..

뉴질랜드, 2035년까지 100% 신재생 에너지 도약 계획 발표

New Zealand Announces Ambitious Plan for 100% Renewable electricity generation by 2035 New Zealand has set its sights on a remarkable goal, aiming to increase its renewable energy capacity to 100% by the year 2035. This ambitious endeavor has captured the attention of the domestic steel industry and is swiftly gaining international acclaim for its efforts to expand green energy. The government's..

뉴질랜드와 호주 상업용 부동산 시장의 새로운 기회

New Opportunities in Commercial Real Estate Markets of New Zealand and Australia The commercial real estate (CRE) lending markets in New Zealand and Australia are experiencing growth, highlighting alternative investment opportunities. Over the past decade, the CRE lending market of major banks has grown at an average annual rate of 3.8%, while the alternative investment sector has surged at an i..

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 총선 결과와 함께 반등의 모습

New Zealand Housing Market Resurges Alongside Election Results New Zealand, October 26, 2023 - In recent times, the New Zealand housing market has been experiencing a resurgence, closely tied to the outcomes of the recent general election. As a result, there is a growing interest in real estate sales and purchases across the country. Gavin Lloyd, a real estate sales director at TradeMe, has anal..

호주의 퇴직연금제도(Superannuation)에 비해 저조한 실적의 키위세이버(KiwiSaver)

KiwiSaver underperforming compared to Aussie counterpart According to a recent report by KiwiSaver, there are notable disparities in performance when comparing the New Zealand-based retirement savings system to the Australian Superannuation system. KiwiSaver, a unique New Zealand institution, has been shown to underperform in comparison to Australia's Super system. A recent exclusive report by O..

뉴질랜드 ANZ 은행, 중앙은행(RBNZ) OCR 검토 전 주택대출 금리 인상

New Zealand's ANZ Bank to Increase Home Loan Rates Ahead of RBNZ OCR Review Wellington, October 25, 2023 - One of New Zealand's largest banks, ANZ, has announced measures to raise home loan rates in anticipation of the upcoming review of the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). On the afternoon of October 24, ANZ Bank revealed plans to increase home mortgage rates ..

파노스(Far North), 카리카리 해변의 모래 언덕, 토지 소유와 마오리 부족 간 분쟁 고조

Far North, Karikari Beach Sand Dunes: Escalating Land Ownership and Maori Tribe Dispute In the northern reaches of Far North, tensions are on the rise as a dispute between landowners and local Maori tribes intensifies over access to the sand dunes of Karikari Beach. The subtribes of the Ngāti Kahu Maori tribe, Whānau Moana and Te Rorohuri, have initiated this conflict by occupying Whatuwhiwhi Ro..