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뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

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뉴질랜드 타우랑가, 경쟁도시에 밀려 성장세 둔화 - 해밀턴이 빠르게 성장하는 도시로 떠오름

뉴질랜드 타우랑가, 경쟁도시에 밀려 성장세 둔화 - 해밀턴이 빠르게 성장하는 도시로 떠오름 Tauranga, experiences growth slowdown amid competition - Hamilton emerges as rapidly growing city Tauranga in New Zealand is seen stepping back from nearly three decades of growth, facing competition from neighboring cities. According to Statistics New Zealand, Tauranga, including Mount Maunganui and Papamoa, has experienced a deceleration in gr..

민주주의 선도국 뉴질랜드, 2023년 EIU 랭킹 2위 기록

민주주의 선도국 뉴질랜드, 2023년 EIU 랭킹 2위 기록 New Zealand Shines as a Democratic Leader, Securing 2nd Place in the 2023 EIU Ranking In the heart of global democracy, New Zealand has emerged as a beacon, claiming the 2nd spot among 167 countries worldwide in 2023. According to the 'Democracy Index 2023' released by the United Kingdom's 'Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU)' on the 15th, New Zealand scored 9.61 ..

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ), 통화 정책 회의서 5.5% 기준금리 동결 전망

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ), 통화 정책 회의서 5.5% 기준금리 동결 전망 Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Anticipated to Maintain Benchmark Interest Rate at 5.5% in Monetary Policy Meeting In the upcoming monetary policy meeting this month, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) is expected to keep the benchmark interest rate unchanged at the current 5.5%. Stephen Toplis, Head of Research at BNZ, suggested, "There is a hig..

펜크 건설부장관, 뉴질랜드 주택 시장 혁신을 위한 건축허가 개편

펜크 건설부장관, 뉴질랜드 주택 시장 혁신을 위한 건축허가 개편 Minister Penk's Ambitious Plan for New Zealand Housing Market Revolution through Building Permit Overhaul New Zealand's Minister of Construction, Chris Penk, has unveiled plans to eliminate the need for construction approval for 'Granny flats' through a comprehensive reform of the building permit system. The government aims to reduce housing construction costs..

200만달러 이상 주택 대출 건수, 지난 4년간 두 배로 증가되

200만달러 이상 주택 대출 건수, 지난 4년간 두 배로 증가되 Number of $2m-plus home loans has doubled in last four years In the New Zealand real estate market, borrowers with mortgages exceeding $2 million are experiencing a significant surge, facing a situation where they must repay a minimum of $6,000 every two weeks. According to recent data from OneRoof, the number of homeowners with mortgages exceeding $2 million ..

뉴질랜드 전자상거래, 폭발적인 성장세…주목받는 기업들

뉴질랜드 전자상거래, 폭발적인 성장세…주목받는 기업들 Explosive Growth in New Zealand E-commerce Draws Attention to Noteworthy Companies The electronic commerce market in New Zealand is gaining significant attention as it records a high growth trajectory. According to a recent report by Euromonitor, while offline sales still dominate, the annual revenue growth rate surged by 30.3% in 2020 compared to the previous year...

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 중앙은행의 신규 규제로 주택 구매 어려워져

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 중앙은행의 신규 규제로 주택 구매 어려워져 New Zealand Housing Market Faces Increased Difficulty in Home Purchases Due to Central Bank's New Regulations In Auckland, New Zealand, acquiring a home has become more challenging under the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's (RBNZ) new debt lending regulations. According to the new rules, prospective buyers are expected to have an annual income of at least $172,00..

뉴질랜드, 기록적인 이민자 증가… 경제와 주택시장에 미치는 영향은?

뉴질랜드, 기록적인 이민자 증가… 경제와 주택시장에 미치는 영향은? New Zealand Sees Record Immigration Surge... What Impact Does It Have on the Economy and Housing Market? According to temporary migration data released in 2023, concerns are growing over the significant increase in net migration, and its potential impact on the economic outlook. The immigrant population has surged to 126,000, equivalent to the population of ..

BNZ 은행, 5% 보증금 주택 대출 신청 문 열어…그러나 몇 가지 주의사항 존재

BNZ 은행, 5% 보증금 주택 대출 신청 문 열어…그러나 몇 가지 주의사항 존재 BNZ Bank Opens Doors to 5% Down Payment Home Loans... But Some Caveats Exist BNZ Bank is currently accepting applications for home loans with a low 5% down payment. However, while presenting an opportunity for some homebuyers, there are several important considerations to be aware of. Jeremy Andrews of Key Mortgages noted that BNZ Bank is extending t..

뉴질랜드, 80년 만에 기록된 최저 출산율…지속적 감소세

뉴질랜드, 80년 만에 기록된 최저 출산율…지속적 감소세 New Zealand Records Lowest Birth Rate in 80 Years, Sustained Decline New Zealand has reported its lowest natural population growth in 80 years, according to statistics released on the 19th. The number of births exceeding deaths dropped by 1,242, totaling 19,071, marking the second-lowest figure since World War II. Stats NZ revealed that in the year 2023, there wer..

2024년 뉴질랜드, 다양한 도전에 직면 - 주택, 교육, 범죄, 경제 등 다방면으로 대응이 필요

2024년 뉴질랜드, 다양한 도전에 직면 - 주택, 교육, 범죄, 경제 등 다방면으로 대응이 필요 New Zealand Faces Diverse Challenges in 2024 - Action Needed in Housing, Education, Crime, and Economy Serious concerns have emerged from the National Report on New Zealand's current state in 2024. Despite efforts to address child poverty and improve public housing, the nation is grappling with significant challenges such as rising rent and ..

세입자의 권리, 임대료 인상에 대한 법적 안내와 전략

세입자의 권리, 임대료 인상에 대한 법적 안내와 전략 Tenant Rights: Legal Guidance and Strategies for Rent Increase Sacha Green, National Legal and Strategic Advisor for Citizens Advice Bureau, an organization providing free information and advice, offers legal insights into recent tenant concerns. One tenant sought guidance regarding their landlord's attempt to renew the lease with a rent increase and an extension of..

주택 보험료 부담 증가, 소비자들은 더 나은 거래를 찾아야

주택 보험료 부담 증가, 소비자들은 더 나은 거래를 찾아야 Escalating Home Insurance Costs Prompt Consumers to Seek Better Deals As New Zealand's home insurance premiums reach alarming levels, more than two-thirds of respondents participating in Consumer NZ's latest survey expressed concerns. According to RNZ, 8% of homeowners are reported to forego renewing their insurance due to the exorbitant costs. Rebecca, head of C..

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 점진적 회복 속 '가격지수' 하락... 지역별 상승세 주목

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 점진적 회복 속 '가격지수' 하락... 지역별 상승세 주목 New Zealand Housing Market Shows Gradual Recovery with Decline in 'Price Index'... Regional Growth Noted New Zealand's housing prices are gradually recovering across the entire region, but the 'national price index' continues to maintain levels from a year ago. According to the 'QV housing price index' released on February 13th, the average housing pri..

주택 소유자들에게 금리 할인의 기회, 은행들 뜻밖의 금리 할인 기회 제공

주택 소유자들에게 금리 할인의 기회, 은행들 뜻밖의 금리 할인 기회 제공 Unexpected Opportunities for Interest Rate Discounts Offered to Homeowners by Banks Finding Kiwi mortgage holders who do not desire a current interest rate drop may prove challenging. However, recent survey results indicate that banks are quietly providing significant opportunities for unexpected interest rate discounts during fixed-rate renewals and mort..

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ) 총재, 디지털 화폐 도입에 대한 회의적 입장

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ) 총재, 디지털 화폐 도입에 대한 회의적 입장 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Governor Expresses Skepticism on the Introduction of Digital Currency Adrian Orr, the Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), voiced clear skepticism on independent digital currencies such as Bitcoin and stablecoins during a parliamentary committee meeting on Monday. He emphasized that "Bitcoin is not a medium of ex..

뉴질랜드 기대 인플레이션 둔화, 통화정책에 금리 동결 압박

뉴질랜드 기대 인플레이션 둔화, 통화정책에 금리 동결 압박 New Zealand Anticipates Inflation Deceleration, Urges Interest Rate Freeze on Monetary Policy The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) is facing diminished expectations for interest rate hikes amid a first-quarter decline in anticipated inflation. According to data released by the RBNZ on the 13th, New Zealand's expected inflation continues to weaken, resulting in ..

코스트코, 뉴질랜드 두루리(Drury)에 두번째 새로운 매장 건설 예정

코스트코, 뉴질랜드 두루리(Drury)에 두번째 새로운 매장 건설 예정 Costco Plans to Build Second Store in Drury, New Zealand Retail giant Costco Wholesale is set to open its second store in New Zealand. While the exact location has not been disclosed, it has been revealed that construction is already underway in Drury, south of Auckland. After Christchurch Rolleston mentioned it as a potential site on April 27, a new socia..

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ) 부총재, 주택시장 안정화 속 고금리 대응 강조

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ) 부총재, 주택시장 안정화 속 고금리 대응 강조 RBNZ Deputy Governor Emphasizes Vigilance Amidst Housing Market Stabilization In a press briefing on the 12th, Christian Hawkesby, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ), highlighted the resilience of the New Zealand financial system, announcing that housing prices have stabilized in the past six months. However, Hawkesby's remarks hav..

키위 프로퍼티, 주택 부족 해결 위한 세금 조정 촉구… 임대형 주택 개발 가속화

키위 프로퍼티, 주택 부족 해결 위한 세금 조정 촉구… 임대형 주택 개발 가속화 Kiwi Property Urges Tax Adjustments to Address Housing Shortage... Accelerates Development of Rental Homes New Zealand real estate development firm, Kiwi Property Group, is urging the government to make tax and regulatory adjustments to address the housing shortage issue, while also focusing on new developments of rental homes. In a recent survey cond..