Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/02/29 3

주택부 장관 크리스 비숍, 가구 소득의 3~5배에 장기 목표 가격 설정

주택부 장관 크리스 비숍, 가구 소득의 3~5배에 장기 목표 가격 설정 Housing Minister Chris Bishop sets 'long-term' price target of three to five times household incomes A groundbreaking housing policy has been unveiled, setting the ambitious goal of achieving housing prices 3-5 times the median income. The newly appointed Housing Minister, Bishop, aims to address the housing crisis with a comprehensive and long-term strate..

존 키(전 총리), 부동산 시장에 관한 전망 예측

존 키(전 총리), 부동산 시장에 관한 전망 예측 Sir John Key reveals his prediction for the housing market Former Prime Minister John Key has forecasted that those who have not yet owned a home may not be pleased with his predictions on the real estate market. Resigning from the ANZ board on Tuesday, February 27, he appeared on a broadcast, foreseeing a doubling of housing prices within the next 10 years. Discussin..

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ), 기준금리 5.5%로 동결 결정

뉴질랜드 중앙은행(RBNZ), 기준금리 5.5%로 동결 결정 Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) Holds Benchmark Interest Rate at 5.5% On the 28th, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) decided to maintain the benchmark interest rate at 5.5%. According to reports from CNBC and MarketWatch, this marks the sixth consecutive freeze on the benchmark rate since May of last year, as revealed during the financial policy decision..