Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/01/17 3

신규주택 건축허가, 2023년 11월까지 전년 대비 24% 감소

신규주택 건축허가, 2023년 11월까지 전년 대비 24% 감소 New Home Construction Permits Experience a 24% YoY Decline Through November 2023 National new home building permits in November of the previous year recorded a significant 24% decrease compared to the same period last year. According to statistics released on January 11, a total of 38,209 new home building permits were issued during this period, indicating a s..

전기차와 하이브리드 차량, 도로사용세 면제 종료로 새로운 변화 예고

전기차와 하이브리드 차량, 도로사용세 면제 종료로 새로운 변화 예고 New Zealand Ends Road Tax Exemption for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, Signals a New Shift The National Party government has announced the termination of the Road User Charges (RUC) exemption for electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles under a new policy led by Minister of Transport Simeon Brown. This decision marks the first phase of the National Party-ACT coal..

뉴질랜드 녹색당 난민 출신 의원 골리즈 가라만, 절도 혐의로 사임 결정

뉴질랜드 녹색당 난민 출신 의원 골리즈 가라만, 절도 혐의로 사임 결정 New Zealand Green Party MP and former refugee Golriz Ghahraman Resigns Amidst Theft Allegations In a surprising turn of events, Golriz Ghahraman, a 42-year-old Member of Parliament known for her refugee background and legal expertise within the Green Party, announced her resignation from parliamentary duties on the 16th. The decision comes in the wake of a..