Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/01/24 4

뉴질랜드 렌트비, 역대 최고치 기록…베이오브플렌티 지역이 최상위

뉴질랜드 렌트비, 역대 최고치 기록…베이오브플렌티 지역이 최상위 New Zealand Rental Rates Reach All-Time Highs, Bay of Plenty Claims Top Spot According to the latest rental price index from TradeMe, rental rates across New Zealand have hit historic highs, with a new region boasting the highest rents domestically. Recent data reveals that the national weekly average rent in December surged to $625, marking a steep ascent for..

경기 침체에 따른 가계 재정난으로 키위세이버 조기 인출 급증해

경기 침체에 따른 가계 재정난으로 키위세이버 조기 인출 급증해 KiwiSaver Early Withdrawals Surge Amid Economic Downturn and Household Financial Strain In New Zealand, the early withdrawal of 'KiwiSaver,' a means of preparing for retirement, has seen a sharp increase, exacerbating household financial difficulties. During the past December alone, more than half of the 6,400 withdrawals were attributed to 'hardship.' It has b..

오클랜드시, 폭우와 폭풍에 대비하는 Be Ready 캠페인 실시

오클랜드시, 폭우와 폭풍에 대비하는 Be Ready 캠페인 실시 Auckland City Council Launches "Be Ready" Campaign in Preparation for Heavy Rain and Storms Starting this week, the Auckland City Council has issued a warning to residents in the Auckland region to anticipate and prepare for the impact of heavy rain and storms, kicking off the "Be Ready" campaign. The initiative aims to provide visual data on flood-prone areas..

뉴질랜드 공항, 혁신적인 CT 스캐닝 도입으로 여행자 편의성과 안전 강화

뉴질랜드 공항, 혁신적인 CT 스캐닝 도입으로 여행자 편의성과 안전 강화 Innovative CT Scanning Enhances Convenience and Safety at New Zealand Airports New Zealand's major airports in Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington now allow passengers to keep laptops and liquids in their bags, thanks to the introduction of groundbreaking Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning technology. This innovative technology not only streamlines ..