Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2024/01/16 3

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 주춤하는 성장세…도시별 가치 변동 불규칙

뉴질랜드 주택 시장, 주춤하는 성장세…도시별 가치 변동 불규칙 New Zealand Housing Market Shows Sluggish Growth... Irregular Changes in Property Values Across Cities The housing market across New Zealand has recently displayed signs of slowing down. According to the Housing Valuation Office, while property values have increased in all major regions, the rate of increase remains at a very modest level. The nationwide averag..

키위뱅크, 주택담보대출 금리 대폭 하향 조정

키위뱅크, 주택담보대출 금리 대폭 하향 조정 Kiwi Bank Announces Significant Downward Adjustment in Mortgage Interest Rates In a bold move, Kiwi Bank has announced substantial reductions in its mortgage interest rates. The special 2-year rate will see a decrease from 7.05% to 6.89%, the 3-year rate will be adjusted from 6.89% to 6.75%, the 4-year rate will drop from 6.79% to 6.69%, and the 5-year rate will experien..

카잉가 오라, 5억 달러 투자한 대규모 주택 개보수 프로젝트 전개 중

카잉가 오라, 5억 달러 투자한 대규모 주택 개보수 프로젝트 전개 중 Kāinga Ora Initiates Massive $500 Million Housing Redevelopment Project In a groundbreaking venture, Kāinga Ora is currently undertaking a large-scale housing redevelopment program with a staggering investment of $500 million. This project is recognized as the largest housing initiative in the country, with approximately 750 public housing units already und..