Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

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뉴질랜드와 호주 상업용 부동산 시장의 새로운 기회

New Opportunities in Commercial Real Estate Markets of New Zealand and Australia The commercial real estate (CRE) lending markets in New Zealand and Australia are experiencing growth, highlighting alternative investment opportunities. Over the past decade, the CRE lending market of major banks has grown at an average annual rate of 3.8%, while the alternative investment sector has surged at an i..

뉴질랜드 주택시장, 총선 결과와 함께 반등의 모습

New Zealand Housing Market Resurges Alongside Election Results New Zealand, October 26, 2023 - In recent times, the New Zealand housing market has been experiencing a resurgence, closely tied to the outcomes of the recent general election. As a result, there is a growing interest in real estate sales and purchases across the country. Gavin Lloyd, a real estate sales director at TradeMe, has anal..

호주의 퇴직연금제도(Superannuation)에 비해 저조한 실적의 키위세이버(KiwiSaver)

KiwiSaver underperforming compared to Aussie counterpart According to a recent report by KiwiSaver, there are notable disparities in performance when comparing the New Zealand-based retirement savings system to the Australian Superannuation system. KiwiSaver, a unique New Zealand institution, has been shown to underperform in comparison to Australia's Super system. A recent exclusive report by O..

뉴질랜드 ANZ 은행, 중앙은행(RBNZ) OCR 검토 전 주택대출 금리 인상

New Zealand's ANZ Bank to Increase Home Loan Rates Ahead of RBNZ OCR Review Wellington, October 25, 2023 - One of New Zealand's largest banks, ANZ, has announced measures to raise home loan rates in anticipation of the upcoming review of the Official Cash Rate (OCR) by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). On the afternoon of October 24, ANZ Bank revealed plans to increase home mortgage rates ..

파노스(Far North), 카리카리 해변의 모래 언덕, 토지 소유와 마오리 부족 간 분쟁 고조

Far North, Karikari Beach Sand Dunes: Escalating Land Ownership and Maori Tribe Dispute In the northern reaches of Far North, tensions are on the rise as a dispute between landowners and local Maori tribes intensifies over access to the sand dunes of Karikari Beach. The subtribes of the Ngāti Kahu Maori tribe, Whānau Moana and Te Rorohuri, have initiated this conflict by occupying Whatuwhiwhi Ro..

뉴질랜드, 중국 수출 규모 감소에 직면

New Zealand Faces Decrease in Chinese Exports New Zealand's exports to China, which had reached a substantial annual value of $19.7 billion until September, are showing a recent decline. According to the latest trade trends data from the Statistics Bureau, New Zealand's exports to China accounted for 27% of the total annual goods exports until September, amounting to $70.4 billion, but these fig..

외상매출금의 대손상각: 떼인 돈은 어떻게 기록하나

■ 이중렬 회계사의 부동산 세금 컬럼 외상매출금의 대손상각: 떼인 돈은 어떻게 기록하나 외상으로 거래하다보면 불가피하게 돈을 떼이는 경우도 있다. 외상으로 물건을 팔고/서비스를 제공하였는데, 그 돈을 못받게 되는 것을 회계용어로는 ‘대손상각’이라고 한다. 대손상각: 폐업, 사망 등 채무자의 상환능력이 없거나 청구권이 소멸되어 회수가 불가능한 채권에서 발생한 손실을 말하며 대손손실, 대손금이라고도 한다. 대손상각비: 회수가 불확실한 매출채권에 대하여 산출한 대손추산액과 회수가 불가능한 매출채권을 상각처리한 것을 말한다. [출처: 네이버 지식백과, 대손상각 (시사경제용어사전, 2017. 11, 기획재정부)] [사례1] IT개발자로 일하고 있는 남도산씨는 지난 1년간 프로젝트를 하나 수주하였다. 총 계약금액이..

리뮤에라 고급 저택, 823만 달러에 매입한 젊은 가족

Young family pays $8.23 Million for Remuera trophy home A nearly new mansion located in Oakland's Remuera now boasts a garage with a turntable, a heated swimming pool, and a gym facility. This luxurious abode was recently purchased by a young family for a staggering $8.23 million. According to OneRoof, the residence is situated on Orakei Road and comprises five bedrooms and five bathrooms. Compl..

뉴질랜드 케르메덱 제도 해역, 규모 6.0 지진 발생

Magnitude 6 earthquake shakes New Zealand's Kermadec Islands A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck the waters off New Zealand's coast. A magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck the Kermadec Islands, north of New Zealand, on Monday, according to the US Geological Survey. The earthquake's epicenter was located at a latitude of 29.95 S and a longitude of 177.52 W, with a depth of 23 kilometers. This informatio..

타우랑가, 마운트 마웅가누이 지역의 대기오염 개선에 대한 협의 진행중

Tauranga, Mount Maunganui residents call for better air quality Mount Maunganui, New Zealand - Residents and visitors of the Mount Maunganui region are emphasizing the importance of improving air quality alongside the area's growth and safe mobility. The Tauranga Council is reported to be in discussions with the Mount Maunganui and Arataki community about a draft plan addressing these concerns, ..

오클랜드 홍수 취약지역에 신규 타운하우스 개발에 논란

Auckland Townhouse Development in Flood-Prone Area Sparks Outrage Auckland, January 27 - Following record-breaking rainfall due to climate change, the Onehunga area in Auckland was inundated by a devastating flood. Now, a new townhouse development plan in this area has sparked controversy among local residents and potential buyers. Residents claim that this development is a misguided plan that c..

뉴질랜드 부동산 시장, 하락 전망 감소하며 구매자 심리 변화되

New Zealand Housing Market: Decreased Concerns of Decline and Shifting Buyer Sentiments In the midst of heated discussions about the optimal time to enter the New Zealand real estate market, the latest ASB Housing Confidence Survey indicates a shift in expectations. Only 8% of respondents anticipate a continuous decline in housing prices, marking a significant 34% decrease from the previous quar..

뉴질랜드 통계청, 2023년 7~9월 3분기 소비자물가(CPI) 및 주택 가격 상승

Statistics New Zealand Releases Q3 2023 Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Housing Price Increase New Zealand's Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 5.6% year-on-year from July to September 2023, as reported. Citing data released by Statistics New Zealand, the publication noted that despite the third-quarter CPI increase being at its lowest level in two years, it still significantly surpasses the targ..

뉴질랜드 경제 냉각 지속, 인플레이션율 5.6%로 하락

Inflation rate falls to 5.6% as economic cooling continues According to data released by the statistical agency on October 17th, New Zealand's Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the 3/4 quarter has been recorded at 5.6%, indicating a continued decline in inflation. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a key indicator reflecting the annual fluctuations in prices of goods and services. Although the annua..

유언장 (Will) – 5편

■ 이완상 변호사의 법률컬럼 제 191회 유언장 (Will) – 5편 (이전 호에서 계속) 1. 유언장은 어떻게 작성되어야 하나? (7) 유산을 받기 위해 유언 작성자를 살해한 경우엔 상속(수혜) 자격이 박탈된다. 참고로, Succession (Homicide) Act 2007 (제7조)에서는 상속 또는 유언장으로부터의 혜택을 빨리 받기 위해 유언 작성자를 살해하는 경우 그 수혜 자격을 박탈하고 있다. 이는 법적인 차원 뿐만 아니라, 인륜적 또는 도덕적으로도 도저히 용납될 수 없는 행위이기 때문에 당연한 조치라고 할 수 있겠다. 또한 Administration Act 1969 (제5A조)에서도 유언자를 살해한 사람이 법원에 유언 집행허가 (probate) 또는 무유언 집행허가(Letters of Admi..

ASB 조사, 주택 시장에 대한 신뢰 상승 중

Confidence in housing market up, ASB survey shows Confidence in the housing market is perking up, with more people believing house prices are now past their lows and are set to increase, according to a new ASB survey. The bank's just-released housing confidence survey shows 8 percent of the 2900 respondents expected house prices to fall further, down from 34 percent the previous quarter. ASB eco..

뉴질랜드 국민당의 럭슨, 새 정부 주도

New Zealand National Party's Luxon to lead new government New Zealand's National Party Secures Victory in General Election, Christopher Luxon Set to Assume Office as Prime Minister In a significant electoral triumph, New Zealand's leading political party, the National Party, has emerged victorious in the general election, paving the way for political novice Christopher Luxon to assume the role o..

트레이드미(Trade Me) 보고: 뉴질랜드 주간 렌트비 상승세 지속

Trade Me Reports Ongoing Increase in Weekly Rental Rates in New Zealand According to Trade Me, over the past year, weekly rental median values have risen by over 10% in six regions of New Zealand. The latest rental data reveals that in September, the nationwide weekly rental median remained at $620 for the fourth consecutive month. This marks a 7.8% increase compared to the same period last year..

뉴질랜드, 연간 11만명의 이민자 순 증가 기록

New Zealand New record: Annual net migration tops 110,000 for the first time in history According to Statistics New Zealand, it has been revealed that in the past year, the net immigration in New Zealand increased by 112,000 individuals. This figure represents the difference between the number of arrivals and departures, encompassing individuals who change their country of residence regardless o..