Property Journal

뉴질랜드 부동산/경제 전문 웹사이트 "프로퍼티 저널"

2023/11/08 3

노동당, 세금 정책 재검토로 새로운 방향 모색 중

Labor Party Seeks New Direction Through Tax Policy Review The Labor Party is currently in the process of reviewing its stance on capital gains and wealth taxes. Earlier this year, party leader Chris Hopkins announced that there would be no wealth or capital gains taxes after the election under his leadership. This decision led to dissent among some party members during a Labor Party executive me..

한 해 동안 신규주택 건축허가 20% 감소, 단독주택 시장 위기

Year-Long Decline in New Housing Permits by 20%, Stand-alone Housing Market Faces Crisis As of September this year, a total of 44,408 new housing permits were issued nationwide over the past year. According to data from the National Statistics Office, this marks a 20% decline compared to the annual 57,320 permits issued until September last year. Statisticians have noted that this is the highest..

에어 뉴질랜드, 엔진 점검으로 향후 2년간 운항 중단 경고

Air New Zealand warns of disruption for the next two years amid engine inspections Air New Zealand is making schedule changes on some routes due to engine inspections. The Auckland-Seoul (Incheon) direct route and the Auckland-Hobart (Australia) route will be temporarily suspended from April 2024 for six months. Currently, Air New Zealand operates the Auckland-Incheon direct route three times a ..