Year-Long Decline in New Housing Permits by 20%, Stand-alone Housing Market Faces Crisis
As of September this year, a total of 44,408 new housing permits were issued nationwide over the past year. According to data from the National Statistics Office, this marks a 20% decline compared to the annual 57,320 permits issued until September last year. Statisticians have noted that this is the highest recorded decrease since May 2022 when an annual total of 51,015 permits were issued.
However, officials have explained that the current year's numbers still surpass the annual figures from before 2021. Up to September this year, permits for multi-unit housing construction decreased by 15% to 23,789 permits, while permits for Stand-alone houses dwindled by 27% to 16,619 permits, signaling a continued downward trend in the housing construction market.
Within the category of multi-unit housing, townhouses, flats, and units saw a 14% decline to 17,874 permits compared to the previous year, apartments dropped by 26% to 3,227 permits, and retirement villages also fell by 6.8% to 2,688 permits.
Regionally, excluding the South Island's Marlborough, new housing permits have declined across the country compared to last year. Auckland experienced a 22% decrease to 17,079 permits, Canterbury saw a 17% decline to 7,209 permits, Waikato also dropped by 21% to 3,875 permits, and Wellington reduced by 18% to 3,121 permits.
Moreover, as of September this year, there were 7.8 new housing permits issued per 1,000 residents, a decrease from the 9.9 permits issued per 1,000 residents last year. New Zealand's record in this category dates back to December 1973 with an annual average of 13.4 permits per 1,000 residents, while the long-term statistics from 1966 to 2023 show an average of 6.7 permits per 1,000 residents.
Regionally, Canterbury had the highest rate at 10.8 permits per 1,000 residents, followed by Auckland at 9.8 permits, Otago at 7.8 permits, and Tasmania at 7.5 permits.
한 해 동안 신규주택 건축허가 20% 감소, 단독주택 시장 위기
올해 9월까지 한 해 동안 전국에서 모두 4만 408건의 신규주택 건축허가가 났다. 통계국 자료에 따르면 이는 지난해 9월까지의 연간 5만 732건에 비해 20% 감소한 것으로, 통계 담당자는 지금까지의 최고 기록이었던 2022년 5월까지의 연간 5만 1,015건에서 계속 줄어들고 있다고 말했다.
담당자는 그렇지만 올해 9월까지의 기록도 지난 2021년 이전의 연간 기록보다는 여전히 많다고 설명했다. 올해 9월까지 공동주택 건축허가는 2만 3,789건으로 지난해 같은 기간보다 15% 감소했는데, 이에 비해 단독주택은 1만 6,619건으로 27%가 줄어 주택건축 시장에서 단독주택의 감소 추세가 이어졌다.
공동주택 중에서는 타운하우스와 플랫, 유닛이 1만 7,874건으로 지난해보다 14%가 줄었으며 아파트는 3,227건으로 26% 줄었고 은퇴촌 역시 2,688건으로 6.8% 감소했다.
한편 지역별로 보면 남섬 말버러를 제외한 전국에서 모두 신규주택 건축허가가 지난해보다 줄어든 가운데 오클랜드는 1만 7,079건으로 22% 감소했으며 캔터베리는 7,209건으로 17% 줄었고, 와이카토 역시 3,875건으로 21% 줄었으며 3,121건인 웰링턴은 18%가 줄어들었다.
또한 올해 9월까지 기준으로 거주 인구 1,000명당 신규주택 건축허가는 7.8건으로 지난해 9.9건보다 줄었다. 뉴질랜드에서 이 부문의 최고 기록은 지난 1973년 12월까지의 연간 13.4건이며 1966년부터 2023년까지 장기 통계를 보면 6.7건이다.
한편 이 수치를 지역별로 보면 캔터베리가 10.8건으로 가장 많았고 오클랜드가 9.8건, 그리고 오타고가 7.8건이었으며 태즈먼은 7.5건이었다.
Year-Long Decline in New Housing Permits by 20%, Stand-alone Housing Market Faces Crisis - The Property Journal
Year-Long Decline in New Housing Permits by 20%, Stand-alone Housing Market Faces Crisis As of September this year, a total of 44,408 new housing permits were issued nationwide over the past year. According to data from the National Statistics Office, t
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